TNSAR Search 5/11/2019
Rescue injured snowmobiler Ellis Peak
Submitted by Ray O'Brien17:44 hours: North Tahoe Fire was dispatched for an injured snowmobiler, west side of Ellis Peak. PCSO and TNSAR requested by Battalion 5 at time of incident. CHP and Calstar were also requested. Per the reporting party patient was unconscious and is know conscious. We arrived at the ICP with the snowcat and were advised that CHP was setting up for a hoist operation and would attempt a rescue. The Snowcat was directed to deploy from Homewood south and proceed to Ellis Peak in the event H20 was unsuccessful. CHP lowered a NTFD medic down to the patient. Patient was treated and packaged for a hoist operation. CHP was successful in extricating the patient and transporting him back to the Homewood ski area parking lot, where patient care was transferred to Calstar. Calstar transported the patient to Renown. The snowcat was requested to continue towards Ellis Peak to possibly pick up the NTFD medic that was lowered to the patient. CHP was able to return and pick up the medic and the snowcat returned to the parking lot (Time 20:35hours)
Patient update: Three broken vertebra in his neck, broken ribs, punctured lung, closed head injury and a dislocated and fractured ankle.
Sheriff | Truck | Skiers | Snowcats | Other |
Mike Mason Michelle Baxter Dan Staley
| Scott Baumgardner Ray O'Brien
| North Tahoe Fire Department CHP H20 CalStar